Name |
William Monger |
Born |
4 Aug 1839 |
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia |
Birth Certificate: MONGER, William 18390804
Gender |
Male |
Died |
23 Jul 1922 |
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia [1] |
Cause: Senility & Anaemia |
Buried |
25 Jul 1922 |
Gippsland, Victoria, Australia [1] |
Address: Drouin Cemetery |
MONGER, William, Ann (née FUTCHER) and daughters, Florence and Amy - Family Grave
MONGER, William, Ann (née FUTCHER) and daughters, Florence and Amy - Headstone
Siblings |
7 siblings |
+ | 1. Cecilia Monger b. 14 Dec 1834, Nailsworth, Gloucestershire, England  d. 8 Dec 1914, Auburn, Victoria, Australia (Age 79 years)
| | 2. James Monger b. 21 May 1836, Nailsworth, Gloucestershire, England  d. 1 Jun 1836, Nailsworth, Gloucestershire, England (Age 0 years) | | 3. Ann Monger b. 18 Sep 1837, Nailsworth, Gloucestershire, England  d. 9 Nov 1909, Sale, Victoria, Australia (Age 72 years) | + | 4. Thomas Cox Monger b. 28 May 1841, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia  d. 10 Sep 1912, Balwyn, Victoria, Australia (Age 71 years)
|  | 5. Sarah Monger b. 9 Jan 1843, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia  d. 25 Feb 1905, Cranbourne, Victoria, Australia (Age 62 years)
|  | 6. Eliza Monger b. 27 Sep 1845, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia  d. 2 Nov 1915, Sale, Victoria, Australia (Age 70 years)
| | 7. Harriet Monger b. 7 Dec 1847, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia  d. 12 May 1848, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (Age 0 years) | |
Notes |
- A letter in the possession of Yvonne Edward written by William Monger [B. 1839]
"My father and mother and two children left England on 14th May 1838 arrived in Sydney 1st September 1838 per ship William Metcalfe left Sydney for Melbourne 27th May 1839 arrived Port Phillip 6th April per Louisa. I was born the following August 4th 1839 in Great Lonsdale Street. Melbourne. My father and Mr Peter Hurlstone were partners in business. They had a carpenters and joiners shop, they owned at the same time the steamer Firefly, the first steamer on the Yarra. They ran it down the bay to bring passengers and goods from the ships."
Notes in the side index of the letter state : There was a another steamer soon after which was larger. They took the engines out of the Firefly and used them in a saw mill which they erected in the bush just opposite Alphington.
"In 1841 my father had a timber yard at the corner of Bourke and Russell Sts from Whites present boot shop to the corner of Little Collins Street. along Russell Street about an acre. My brother and youngest sister were born next to the timber yard were we lived. The same house was there until 1909 when it was pulled down and a three storey brick shop put up in its place. There are some two storey brick dwelling houses on the same land in Russell Street which my father built for Mr and Mrs Anthony Hordern, senior. Just after he gave up the timber yard he also built four two storey houses in Flinders Street between Russell and Exhibition streets also two brick houses in Flinders Lane at the back of the others. The six houses are there still, the two in Flinders Lane were built some time after the others. About 1847 we lived in one of them for four or five years. My brother died 10th September 1912 being 71 years old. My father started and managed a timber yard for Mr Westby in 1846 in Collins Street where the present National Bank now stands. It reached through to Flinders Lane. De Graves Flour Mill was in Flinders Lane just opposite. In the year 1850 my father bought a piece of land in Flinders Street next to where the Herald office is now, we lived there for about seven years. I can recollect the first bridge over the Yarra; it was built on wooden piles. It was a company bridge. Horses vehicles etc. had to pay. Foot passengers had to pay one penny. I recollect when it was taken down and that was after the stone arch bridge was built called Princes Bridge. Then again I saw that one taken down and the present one built.
Before any bridge was built a punt was used for traffic. It was taken afterwards up to Punt Roadand used there. Some years after it sank and there it was left. I suppose it was cleared away when they were clearing the river. I have heard my father tell of a fight that took place between two tribes of blacks somewhere near the present bridge. The punt could not take people over quickly enough so a lot of the people swam the river to see it. There were about six hundred blacks altogether but it did not last long for some missionaries ran in between them and stopped it.
In 1842, my mother went up to the Dandenong police paddocks with her baby boy on a visit to the schoolmaster and mistress of the black school there. The school was afterwards moved to just above where the Merri Creek runs into the Yarra. I often went out there and had great fun with the blacks. The black girls used to stand in a row on the river bank. One would have a white piece of china about the size of a five shilling piece which she would throw into the river. Then all would dive in head first. Presently you would see a hand appearing above the water holding up the piece of china then they would do it all over again.
My sister and another girl were out there one time, the other girl got into the boat which was moored by the river bank. By some means it got loose and away the boat went with her down the river towards the falls. Of course, she screamed out. Presently a black fellow came running down and brought it into the shore. He was just in time as it would have gone over the falls and smashed, as well as drowning the girl. She afterwards married a Mr Price, a Lithographer who was in business in Melbourne for some time. They are both dead now.
My sister who was with her, married Mr William Hordern and she died in December 1914 in her 80th year. I can recollect when the first Baptist church was built in Collins Street in the same spot where it is now. My father had the contract for the carpenters work. Mr Crook did the cabinet work. The first Baptist Minister was Mr Ham. I can recollect hearing him, he was the Father of the late C.J. and T.J. Ham, the land and Estate Agents, Swanston Street, Melbourne. The same business is still being carried on by some of the relations.
I went to school in La Trobe Street next house to the Public Travellers house in 1850 and '51. Three sons of Mr Wintle, Governor of the jail, also went there. One day, as they were going home from school, there was a great cry out that three prisoners had escaped. Young Wintle ran after one who gave himself up. So the soldiers took him. Then young Wintle ran after the other who had hidden himself behind a tree, but he saw where he went, he picked up two stones and stood over him saying "If you move I will knock your brains out", and so kept him there until the soldiers came.
Young Wintle who was only 12 or 13 years of age, poor fellow, he with his brother and another boy were bathing in the Moonie Ponds when they got into a deep hole. One of the brothers was drowned. Mr J Smith, a brother of the late J.T. Smith, one time Mayor of Melbourne, got the others out and managed to bring them round. Mr J Smith was Uncle of the late J.T.T. Smith, Crown Prosecutor. The Crown Prosecutor and his two brothers were school mates of mine at Brighton Park School.
In 1864 we went to Sale, Gippsland, put up a saw mill on the Tambo river, worked it for about twelve months when we sold out. Then we started building in Sale as the firm of William Monger and Sons. We built some of the principle buildings in Sale, the hospital being one of them. We have been at all sorts of buiness since that but I have not made my pile yet. My Father died in 1874 my Mother died in 1897. My brother left a wife and six children, all pretty well grown up. I have eleven children all grown up. Three sons and one daughter married, they have eleven children amongst them. My wife was born in Adelaide. She left there with her parents when she was about two years old.
My Father and Mr Hurlstone were going to buy a piece of land on Eastern Hill, about four acres for 25 pound and were going to build a house to live there, but their wives were against living out in the bush, that was the end of that. I was lost there when I was about four years old. There was only one house there and someone who lived in the house found me and took me there until he found out who I was. They soon found out and took me home.
Just above the Queen's Bridge there was a ferry boat, it had a rope across the river to pull it across. One evening full of people, about thirteen, when about halfway across they were all capsized out of the boat, there were six drowned. I saw four of them dragged out the next day. I was standing near the falls, there was no bridge there then. It was the ferry man's daughter who was working the boat. She was drowned and her body was one of the last to be found. Her poor old father I thought would go mad.
A young man who was my father's clerk in 1842 was out shooting up towards Dandenong. They came across him in the bush and they thought that he was a bush ranger, so they brought him to Melbourne, they would not believe what he said but found out their mistake when they got to Melbourne. He was a jolly young fellow and quite enjoyed the fun. Sometime after he went to Geelong and was in business there until his death, his name was Mr George Wright.
From Flinders Street down to the swamp between Princes Bridge and Richmond Paddock, was a nice clear grassy place with a good few large red gum trees. The locusts along there and in Richmond Paddock would deafen you with their noise. The trunks of the trees were covered with locusts in differant stages of life from the base upwards. There was only a strip of land between it and the river.
There has been a few people who have drowned themselves. I have seen them taken out. One time when I was about twelve years old, my brother and I were down there when we saw two women in the swamp. One was trying to drown herself and the other woman was trying to stop her, she was screaming out for help. We were the only ones there, I ran in to help the woman to drag the other out. We managed to do it and when we got her on the bank she was fairly mad and tried to bite everyone who came near her. By this time about half a dozen people came up, one I believe was her husband. I do not know what became of them.
Near the same spot when I was about eight years old, I was walking near the edge of the water, my boots and sox off. I slipped into a deep hole, down I went. There happened to be two young men came along and caught hold of my head just as I was going down again. These holes were made by brickmakers years before. There were two big holes, one was shallow where little boys bathed. There was another big hole where the bigger boys went, who could swim. It was there that I learnt to swim.
There were a number of tents where Princes Bridge Station is now. There were two pumps at the river just above the bridge. I have seen water carts all the way from the river right up Swanston Street waiting their turn at the pumps. Most of them kept their casks full at night in case of fire. When there was a fire you would see the water carts flying up the street towards the fire. The first load of water to arrive got 5 pound, the next, one pound, all the rest got 5 shillings as long as they were required."
[Abrupt end to the diary] [1]
Person ID |
I2367 |
Mitchell Families |
Last Modified |
29 Sep 2010 |
Father |
William Monger (ID:I2366) b. 11 Feb 1812, Nailsworth, Gloucestershire, England  d. 21 Sep 1874, Sale, Victoria, Australia (Age 62 years) |
Mother |
Sarah Cox (ID:I2361) b. 30 Apr 1810, Avening, Gloucestershire, England  d. 1 Dec 1896, Sale, Victoria, Australia (Age 86 years) |
Married |
1 Jul 1833 |
Avening, Gloucestershire, England |
Photos |
![COX [MONGER], Sarah COX [MONGER], Sarah](photos/thumbnails/thumb_Sarah%20Cox%20nee%20Monger%20-s.jpg) | COX [MONGER], Sarah Married in Avening, Gloucestershire, Sarah and husband William Monger arrived in Melbourne, Australia in 1839. William became a successful and prolific builder. |
Family ID |
F617 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Family |
Ann Futcher (ID:I2368) b. 12 Jun 1850, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia  d. 2 Sep 1923, Bunyip, Victoria, Australia (Age 73 years) |
Married |
2 Aug 1870 |
Sale, Victoria, Australia |
Age at Marriage |
He was 31 years - She was 20 years and 2 months |
Children |
| 1. James Edward Monger (ID:I2400) b. 20 Sep 1871, Richmond, Victoria, Australia  d. 28 Mar 1954, Daylesford, Victoria, Australia (Age 82 years) |
| 2. Cecilia Annie Monger (ID:I2401) b. 15 Jun 1873, South Yarra, Victoria, Australia  d. 14 Mar 1967, Caulfield, Victoria, Australia (Age 93 years) |
| 3. Florence Emma Monger (ID:I2402) b. 9 May 1875, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia  d. 22 May 1921, Bunyip, Victoria, Australia (Age 46 years) |
| 4. Edith May Monger (ID:I2403) b. 1 May 1877, Prahran, Victoria, Australia  d. 26 Sep 1967, Caulfield, Victoria, Australia (Age 90 years) |
+ | 5. Frederick William Monger (ID:I2369) b. 30 Mar 1879, Sale, Victoria, Australia  d. 24 Jan 1958, Merlynstone, Victoria, Australia (Age 78 years) |
| 6. Edward Thomas Monger (ID:I2404) b. 1881, Richmond, Victoria, Australia  d. 1949, Parkville, Victoria, Australia (Age 68 years) |
 | 7. Alice Maud Minnie Monger (ID:I2405) b. 22 Jun 1883, Richmond, Victoria, Australia  d. 1965, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (Age 81 years) |
| 8. Albert Ernest Monger (ID:I2406) b. 15 Jun 1885, Richmond, Victoria, Australia  d. 21 May 1955, Elsternwick, Victoria, Australia (Age 69 years) |
| 9. Ada Blanche Monger (ID:I2407) b. 8 Jul 1887, Richmond, Victoria, Australia  d. 11 May 1913, Prahran, Victoria, Australia (Age 25 years) |
| 10. Alfred Horace Monger (ID:I2408) b. 17 Jun 1890, Richmond, Victoria, Australia  d. 29 Dec 1969, Bunyip, Victoria, Australia (Age 79 years) |
| 11. Jessica Evelyne Monger (ID:I2409) b. 1893, Richmond, Victoria, Australia  d. 1983, Victoria, Australia (Age 90 years) |
| 12. Amy Victoria Monger (ID:I2410) b. 1898, Malvern, Victoria, Australia  d. 1898, Drouin, Victoria, Australia (Age 0 years) |
Last Modified |
12 Nov 2013 |
Family ID |
F618 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |